ive-games provider TVBET got shortlisted for this year’s EGR B2B Awards. Moreover, the company was selected to the list of top market players in 4 categories at once; “Live casino supplier,” “Live streaming supplier,” “Lottery supplier,” and “Poker supplier.”
Developers of software for games, online casinos, and bookmakers, games providers, as well as payment systems, mobile applications, and partner programs are nominated every year for the award.
Companies working in the fields of IT, marketing, infrastructure, and many others are marked at EGR B2B Awards yearly.
In spite of a challenging year for the industry, the company’s actions to improve the product and increase its presence in new regions have not gone unnoticed. Now in 2021, the provider claims to win in 4 categories at EGR B2B Awards.
Since 2010, EGR B2B Awards has been held in London. But for the second year in a row, a virtual award ceremony will be held for the winners due to global circumstances.
This year the awards ceremony will take place on July 6th. A team of independent judges participates in the voting, the panel of which is updated every year.