announced Tuesday that it has launched LotteryLink, a branding initiative of its global B2B affiliate marketing. The lottery operator also launched B2C customer marketing campaigns in December 2021, and expects to drive B2C user growth in 2022 with this direct-to-consumer marketing in addition to growth generated by LotteryLink.
This is a continuation of’s strategy to utilize highly recognizable and descriptive names and domains to reach its global digital audience and leverage the company’s affiliate marketing capabilities, according to a press release.
The company has a pipeline of both online and physical affiliates that anticipates will be important contributors to LotteryLink in 2022. As an example, one of its master affiliates has developed a customized program specifically focused on brick-and-mortar retailers promoting their customers’ purchase of products. A pilot of this program was launched in December 2021 with one of the nation’s largest grocery retailers.
Additionally, the company launched B2C customer marketing campaigns in December 2021. With a focus on leveraging’s recognizable brand, these campaigns are utilizing multiple media channels, including targeted digital ads and search engine optimization to reach new users. The company is funding these campaigns with cash on hand, including $30 million received from the previously announced sale of prepaid advertising credits in the third quarter of 2021.
Tony DiMatteo, CEO and Co-Founder of
“We are aggressively working to grow our user base while maintaining a sharp focus on capital discipline,” said Tony DiMatteo, CEO and Co-Founder of “I believe that the combination of LotteryLink’s ability to expand our user base with limited marketing spend and our favorable customer acquisition costs in our B2C segment puts us in a position to grow profitability. Today’s announcement is an example of the consistent progress we are making on our growth initiatives. We remain focused on the continued execution of our strategic plan.”