Digital lottery platform has announced its digital scratch tickets offering, a new solution aimed to transform “how traditional physical scratch tickets are played.” The company says that the “groundbreaking and first-to-market” offering marks what it calls “a significant milestone in the industry.”
As per, scratch tickets have traditionally been a beloved part of the lottery experience, offering an element of surprise and instant gratification. The company’s digital scratch tickets are currently available in Texas and Colorado, beginning in December 2022 and March 2023, respectively, “with plans to expand to additional states.”
“This new offering allows customers to order and play official state lottery scratch tickets ‘winever’, on their computer, laptop, or preferred mobile device,” says “By providing the convenience of ordering scratch tickets digitally, aims to attract new players and generate incremental funds for the good causes supported by lotteries, thus expanding the positive impact on state-sponsored initiatives.”
Integrating cutting-edge technology and a seamless user interface design allows customers to experience the thrill of playing a physical scratch ticket in a digital setting, says the firm. further explains that when a customer orders a scratch ticket via its online platform, they can use their mouse or touchscreen, depending on their device, to “scratch” the screen and reveal their scanned ticket and potential prize.
Winnings up to the state’s retail claim threshold are immediately deposited into the customers’ account, and the prizes can be redeemed for cash or used to order additional lottery tickets on the platform. In cases of larger wins, facilitates the customer’s efforts to make the claim directly from the official state lottery. notes that it collaborated with Bulletproof Solutions, a Gaming Labs International (GLI) company to ensure a secure and trustworthy environment for customers to enjoy the new lottery experience. The collaboration entailed a comprehensive, rigorous test of the functionality, features, and core compliance requirements of the platform. The platform notes that the digital scratch ticket offering passed the test “flawlessly, validating the assurance to customers that their online experience is safe and secure.”
“We’re constantly innovating to deliver the best customer experience possible, and with scratch tickets making up approximately two-thirds of the $100+ billion US. lottery market, we are thrilled to announce this incredible offering and new dimension to our online lottery platform,” said Thomas Metzger, CEO of
“We’re particularly proud to have been certified by industry-leader Bulletproof Solutions Inc. as this seal of approval further validates’s high standards of security and integrity.”