July 5, 2020
No one wants to talk about it, but another Vegas casino closure in a huge concern for Nevada business owners. The number of Coronavirus cases are climbing again across the state and country. Nevada’s COVID-19 response director, Caleb Cage, said the state’s upswing isn’t yet due to a “second wave” and is likely a result of increased testing access.
Neighboring Arizona and Utah are also in the midst of a surge in COVID-19 cases a couple of weeks after relaxing business restrictions. A county health official in Arizona expressed concern that more testing wasn’t the sole factor for the spike.
“We’re getting reports of almost 600 cases per day, compared with almost 200 cases per day two weeks ago,” Maricopa County Public Health spokeswoman Sonia Singh said Wednesday. “We know it’s not just more testing, but an increased spread.”
To read more about the possibility of second Vegas casino closure at the Review-Journal.