uring the lockdown period imposed in the country, casinos and other gambling venues must remain closed, the Ministry of Health announced. In accordance with an official release, the government will impose a full lockdown from January 4 to 14 in the provinces of Panama and Panamá Oeste, in an attempt to curb the accelerated growth of coronavirus cases and deaths registered in December.
Durante los días de cuarentena total, los cines, casinos y establecimientos dedicados a los juegos de azar deberán permanecer cerrados. Solo podrán funcionar los comercios esenciales tales como supermercados, farmacias, gasolineras, entre otros.
— Ministerio de Salud de Panamá (@MINSAPma) December 29, 2020
During the lockdown, citizens will only be allowed to shop at supermarkets and pharmacies for essential goods, on specified days and times, based on their gender and ID number.