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The 7 Most Overrated Aspects of Casinos


I frequently find myself building something up and raising my expectations to almost unattainable heights. This happens before my favorite sports teams begin their respective seasons, before I head out on vacation, or whenever I’m trying a fancy new restaurant.

It’s a perfectly explainable tendency; you have to look forward to something to get through the mundane parts of life. However, when it’s time to enjoy an experience, it’s easy to come away from it disappointed.

I’ve always loved to gamble, and I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I would play for fake money with my family. And as I entered early adulthood, I started playing for cold hard cash.

Eventually, casual games of poker with my friends weren’t scratching the gambling itch, and I turned my attention towards casinos. I’d heard all the stories from friends and seen them on TV and in movies.

Needless to say, my expectations were through the roof. There was no way that my first time at the casino could come close to matching my hopes and dreams.

Gambling at casinos can be an exciting experience, but it’s best to go into it with little to no expectations. To do that, here are a few of the most overrated aspects of casinos.

1 ‒ The Energy Is Always Positive

One of the first things anyone unfamiliar with casinos should know is that casinos can be gloomy at times. The fact is that most people lose money when they gamble, which means there’s always going to be some unhappy customers.

Casinos can also attract some seedy characters who aren’t the kindest or most welcoming types of people. Most gamblers are genuinely decent human beings, but there are always bad apples in the bunch.

When I talk to people new to the gambling industry, they often say that casinos are less celebratory than they imagined. Of course, when you see casinos in pop culture, they are depicted as lively and fun.

That energy is present at times. But if you catch a casino on a bad day, you can experience just the opposite. Certain casinos are a lot more desolate during slower times. But, that’s no reason to avoid going to gamble during the week.

Some of my most profitable trips were during the day in the middle of the week. Just be sure not to expect all the pomp and circumstance you see on TV.

2 ‒ The Number of Games Offered

The best casinos are usually quite large and have seemingly countless slot machines and a good variety of table games. So, you might think you’ll be able to strut into a casino and find a table without any difficulty.

There are a few issues with that assumption. When finding a table, obviously, you have to settle on a game and a table minimum.

Depending on when you visit a casino, this can be a challenge. If it’s busy, your preferred table might be full, especially if you like to play the most popular games with low table minimums.

If it’s during a slow period, many tables will likely be closed due to limited demand. Casinos want to make as much money as possible, and paying a dealer to stand at an empty table is an easy way to lose money.

Having said that, you’ll have to decide to wait for a spot to open or settle on a different game.

3 ‒ The Comps

Unless you plan to become a regular at the casinos, comps are some of the most overrated parts of the business.

Comps are perks casinos offer to gamble based on a few factors. Typically gamblers are rewarded for the amount of money they spend, how often they visit the casino, or even which types of games they play.

Casinos often request players to sign up for their players’ club. When you sign up, you give a casino employee your address and typically receive a club card.

Before you play any game, dealers will ask for your card so the house can track all of your action. Some casinos are very aggressive with their marketing, so expect to receive a fair amount of offers through the mail.

These complimentary items typically come in the form of food, drinks, free nights at the resort, or even a round of golf. That sounds like an excellent deal for frequent visitors. But if you’re a casual gambler, they can be somewhat useless.

4 ‒ Gambling With Other People

Whether you have a pleasant experience gambling or not can often rest squarely on the shoulders of the people you play with.

If you’re at a table with competent gamblers and decent personalities, chances are you’ll have a good time. But if you’re unfortunate enough to be stuck at a crummy table, your experience can be ruined.

As I said earlier, most gamblers are decent. However, any casino veteran will tell you that some people can bring down an entire table.

Gambling is an emotional experience, and unfortunately, some people gamble with money they can’t afford to lose. Significant losses happen, and I’ve watched several people gamble away their rent money.

Those losses can be handled with poise but are generally met with anger and frustration. Hotheads are quick to become irate and blame dealers as well as other players.

It’s one of the more unfortunate sides of the gambling industry that no one really likes to talk about. But if you gamble for enough time, I’m sure you’ll experience something very similar.

5 ‒ The Likelihood of Walking Away With Money in Your Pocket

Every gambler goes to the casino expecting to make money.

Savvy vets do so because they have the experience and skill to back up those aspirations. Inexperienced gamblers, on the other hand, expect to win money mostly due to blissful ignorance.

I’ll tell you something I wish someone had said to me before I went to a casino for the first time. You’re going to lose money eventually.

It might not be on your first trip or even your second trip, but at some you’ll walk away as a loser. Beginner’s luck isn’t going to lead you to a massive victory over the house, and you’re not going to hit the jackpot.

Winning money gambling is a huge challenge. It takes skill, consistency, and financial intelligence. Instead of using that as a reason to avoid gambling, you should use it as motivation to continue to play and improve.

6 ‒ The Free Drinks

One of the most popular perks amongst gamblers is the free drinks casinos offer. As long as you’re spending money, certain casinos will gladly comp your bar tab.

On the surface, that seems like a good arrangement. But when you think about it from the perspective of someone who wants to win money, it’s quite the opposite.

When you drink, your focus and cognitive ability decrease. Casinos aren’t being gracious hosts by offering gamblers free alcoholic beverages. They do it to increase revenue.

For Example:

Say you’re a beer drinker and would spend $5 on a beer at the bar. If you’re gambling, a cocktail waitress will take your order and bring you that beer on the house.

After you tip, you might be saving a few bucks. As the night progresses, that waitress will begin to drop by the table to take your order.

Science suggests that one or two drinks will not have a major impact on your gambling abilities. But are you really going to stop after two drinks?

In the long run, drinking on the casino’s dime can end up costing you money at the tables.

7 ‒ Entertainment for Non-Gamblers

Casinos can be painfully dull if you don’t like to gamble. While some of the best casinos offer other forms of entertainment, the average casino often is lacking in that department.

I should say that this issue doesn’t apply to places like Las Vegas, Reno, and other gambling cities. Those places can be fantastic vacation destinations for non-gamblers.

Most casinos, however, aren’t overly concerned with entertaining non-gamblers. Sure, on weekends, a casino might have musical acts perform or other shows around the venue.

But under normal circumstances, you might be stuck sitting at the bar watching sports, or overpaying for mediocre food.


Despite everything I’ve written about in this post, you shouldn’t hesitate to gamble at a casino. Everyone should try their hand at it at least once in their life.

The purpose of this post is to simply make sure new gamblers keep their expectations in line with reality. It will make for a better experience and hopefully make you appreciate casinos for what they are.

Casinos aren’t always lively and energetic, especially if you choose to go during the middle of the week. It can also be tough to find a table depending on your game preferences and how much money you are willing to spend.

Comps are a fantastic opportunity for regulars, but casual gamblers might find them to be worthless.

If you are indeed a casual gambler, keep in mind that you’re expected to lose money at the casino. It’s always best to gamble responsibly and know when to say when.

Michael Stevens

Michael Stevens has been researching and writing topics involving the gambling industry for well over a decade now and is considered an expert on all things casino and sports betting. Michael has been writing for since early 2016. …

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