Omaha certainly doesn’t draw the love or get as much attention as Texas Hold’Em. Still, the game is incredible for players and provides a unique challenge.
Omaha’s most significant selling point is that it allows more players to make a profit. Since poker is a game of skill, you can profit long-term from playing weaker opponents.
There are fewer players on the Omaha tables, but many are there to avoid the massive crowds on the Texas Hold’Em tables. That creates an opening for talented Omaha players.
Let’s get to the thick of things if you want to destroy the fish in Omaha and avoid the sharks in Texas Hold’Em. The top 10 ways to become a better Omaha poker player can catapult your poker career to new heights.
1 – Only Chase the Nut Draws
In Texas Hold’Em, you seldom have to worry about another player having a higher flush than you. Since each player is only dealt two hole cards, the chances are slim that your opponent is chasing the same draw.
I’ve had my flush trumped rarely enough that I merely pay the player and move on when it happens. I don’t lose many hands playing my flush.
In Omaha, the entire dynamic shifts, and players get dealt four hole cards. That makes the odds of a player drawing a flush are much higher.
You’ll also see some players in the pots at the flop. That results in players who may not have been chasing the flush finding themselves in a flush situation.
If you haven’t got the nut flush, you’re probably beat in many situations. At the least, you should never chase a flush with anything less than an ace.
The same is true for straight draws. If you haven’t got the over card, proceed with caution.
Your flush or straight value goes up incrementally with each open seat. So, you need to weigh the value of your cards against the number of hands at the table.
2 – Understand the Smaller Edge in Omaha
Many Texas Hold’Em players incorrectly assume that they can quickly decipher the odds in Omaha based on their knowledge of poker in general. Unfortunately, that’s far from the case.
The logic is that the odds double because Omaha players receive four cards. However, because the cards are all working to make the best hands possible at all times, the odds increase or decrease dramatically.
The edges in Omaha are fragile, and rarely does one starting hand have better than a 60% chance of besting another. Successful Omaha players need to learn the best starting hands and how the hands change value throughout the play.
3 – Learn to Stop Overvaluing Your Starting Hand
Because many players fail to recognize the differences in how hand values work in Omaha versus Texas Hold’Em, they overvalue their hands.
That’s not something unique to Omaha, as Texas Hold’Em players make the same mistake regularly. Yet, the reasons for a player placing too much stock in Omaha’s hands vary.
The temptation to overvalue your hand comes from getting such a selection. If you draw a set, it’s important to remember that you’re only keeping two of your hole cards.
That will help you keep things in perspective and avoid the urge to bet aggressively, especially when the reality is that you’ve got a mediocre hand at best.
4 – Build on Your Experience in Other Games
If you’ve been around poker for long, you know the importance of learning your starting position. That’s equally true for Omaha but to a lesser degree.
Playing your strong hand in Omaha may not lead to more significant wins in the poker room. But if you don’t know the actual ranking of your hand, it can cost you considerably.
Use your experience in other games to boost your Omaha skills and lessen the steep learning curve. Outside of that, you’ll play your opponents the same way you do in Omaha as you do in Texas Hold’Em.
5 – Don’t Think You’re Playing the Same Game
I’ve watched hundreds of seasoned Texas Hold’Em players make the error of sitting down at an Omaha table and assuming their skills would translate. I had a front-row seat in each instance as they were methodically picked apart hand after hand.
A fish is a fish, regardless of what game you’re playing. Some skills transfer between games, but players must remember to face things head-on.
You might think that you’ve got your opponent on a hand, that’s always useful. Unfortunately, you probably don’t realize how many outs a player has to beat you.
If you’ve merely made a move to Omaha from another game, it’s no surprise that you see negative results. Step away and learn to play the game, the same as you did when you became a Texas Hold’Em player.
6 – Stop Falling in Love With Pocket Pairs
I cannot overemphasize the importance of not getting married to your starting hand. Because you’re getting four cards instead of two, you’ll see a ton more pocket pairs.
Sadly, that’s true for everyone. So, your pocket pairs are probably beat before the flop.
More importantly, you’ll rarely win with your pair. Because players get to see a total of nine cards instead of seven, the hands in Omaha are generally much better.
Even when your hand flops a set, you should be hoping that the board pairs for a full house. When that does happen, you’d better have the nuts.
7 – Know When and How to Adjust
Omaha is a strategist’s dream game. Players must continually shift their strategy not from hand to hand but within a single hand.
When you’re in a hand, it’s possible to be playing a lower hand while simultaneously chasing a draw. It’s up to you to decide to bet with the hand you’ve got or bet stronger in hopes of completing the draw.
The dynamic in Omaha shifts more noticeably throughout the hand than it does in Texas Hold’Em. One of the keys to becoming a better Omaha player is reading the room and proceeding accordingly.
When the table has played aggressively, it can be best to play tight and let your opponents steer the hand. Yet, you can play more aggressively when things are tight and increase your wins.
Knowing when to adjust in Omaha is among the most beneficial skills for serious players.
8 – Focus on Making Fewer Mistakes
Omaha players consistently see more flops. That means you consistently have more players in a hand, the chances of someone flopping a more substantial hand rise dramatically.
Since you won’t put everyone at the table on a hand, you have much less room for error. The other players may push you off your draw early if you bet aggressively.
I suggest you play tighter than you do in other games. That will allow other players to steer the betting and hopefully work itself out.
When you have fewer players in the hand, then it’s time to bet more aggressively. Having fewer cards in play reduces the likelihood of betting yourself into a corner.
Reduce the number of mistakes you’re making by playing tighter. That will help you become a stronger Omaha player.
9 – Bluff Less Often
Bluffing can be an effective method for scaring players off of pots in Texas Hold’Em. However, this tactic carries much less weight in Omaha because more players will have better cards.
Even when a player calls with nothing, the flop could immediately give them the advantage. So, you’re better off not bluffing at all early in hands.
When you bluff from a late position, you’d better be prepared for the players ahead of you to call much more often than they would in Texas Hold’Em.
If you want to become a better Omaha poker player, leave the bluffing to your opponents. Then sit back and watch how often they lose pots.
10 – Use Your Position to Your Advantage
Position is one of the most critical factors in poker. I’ve won a lot of pots in Texas Hold’Em with trash because I was the last to act.
In Omaha, players get the same advantage. The more information you have about the table, the better your chances of making the best decision.
When you have a table hesitant to put money in the pot, they don’t like their hands. Betting from an early position can guarantee these players fold and don’t get a lucky draw that puts them ahead.
Use your position to your advantage, and you’ll win more Omaha hands.
Omaha probably sounds like a wheels-off game where everything goes, but there’s an opportunity for skilled players. These top 10 ways to become a better Omaha poker player can tip the scales in your favor.
Your goal in the poker room should always be to make the most money possible. When the Texas Hold’Em tables are full of sharks or the stakes are too low, it’s vital to have a backup. Omaha could be the key to turning your poker profits from waning to sustainable.
Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens has been researching and writing topics involving the gambling industry for well over a decade now and is considered an expert on all things casino and sports betting. Michael has been writing for since early 2016. …