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Bad Habits to Avoid While Online Gambling


Online gambling makes up a significant percentage of gambling worldwide. During a time when it is necessary to avoid crowds and travel, total time spent at the computer has inevitably gone up as well.

Depending on your underlying health issues and age, sitting for long periods can increase your risk for serious medical conditions.

When performing the same task for prolonged periods, repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome can also develop, adding to daily aches and pains.

The goal of this article is to address some common wellness issues you might encounter if you frequently gamble online or spend significant periods of time using computers.

Here are 7 tips for avoiding unhealthy habits while real money online gambling.

1 – Food

When it comes to eating habits while using the computer, we all know that convenience is probably the biggest factor in what ends up on the plate.

It is difficult to stick to a schedule and make healthy choices once you sit down in front of a computer because often the most convenient option is also the most unhealthy.

The most important step to prevent online gaming from completely blowing a healthy diet is planning ahead.

—Crunchy, sweet, salty, and high carbohydrates are tempting items are you reach for when the urge to snack hits. Taking steps to make healthy options convenient is therefore key.

Here are a few tips to help you make good choices.

If You Don’t Buy It, You Can’t Snack on It

Choose healthy options when you go to the store to stock up. It is easier to resist the urge to completely load up on junk while at the store than it is to resist making unhealthy choices repeatedly at home.

Choose More Filling, Balanced Options

Items containing more protein are going to be more satisfying and keep you full for a longer period of time than items higher in sugar or carbohydrates. Higher protein also means lower spikes in blood sugar, which will prevent a post-snack crash.

Keep It to One Trip

Don’t bring the whole package with you. You are more likely to eat less if you put food into a plate or a bowl rather than going back and forth.

Plan a Schedule Before You Start

Time somehow seems to fly by at the computer. Snacking while you play is easy, and foregoing meals is a common habit to develop. Consider preparing a meal ahead of time. You will be more likely to eat a balanced meal if it is convenient and not time-consuming to prepare.

Try setting a reminder on your computer or phone. Don’t rely on your own sense of time for breaks.You are more likely to make better choices if you don’t wait until you are starving to eat.

Try to Stick to Healthy Options and Limit Greasy, Salty, and Sweet Foods

  • The plate method for a balanced meal, as outlined by the CDC, is a simple outline to follow.
  • Half non-starchy vegetables like greens, broccoli, or carrots.
  • One quarter lean protein like chicken, eggs, or tofu.
  • One quarter grain or starch like potatoes, rice, or pasta.

Maintaining structure to your day and play time will help you will eat less overall, feel better throughout the day, and maintain better concentration.

2 – Beverage Consumption

It is easy to absentmindedly continue drinking whatever beverage you have available while you gamble, and forming habits of use along with gambling is common.

This is a set up for the number, effect, and calorie counts to sneak up on you inadvertently.

Caffeine and alcohol consumption are both easy habits to pickup. In Moderation they can be safe and enhance a responsible gambling experience, but there are drawbacks to significant regular intake.

Alcohol and caffeine are substances we build tolerance to over time and can lead to dependence with withdrawal symptoms.

Consumption guidelines to keep in mind include:

For Alcohol:

  • The recommended daily intake is 1 drink for women and 2 for men.
  • Binge drinking amounts to approximately 5 or more drinks for men and 4 or more for women in about 2 hours.

For Caffeine:

  • The recommended amount of per day is about 400 milligrams, which is about 4 cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola, or 2 energy drinks.

Some simple planning ahead can help you avoid overdoing it on whatever beverage you are drinking.

Keep Track of Your Intake

  • Take steps to keep track of time.
  • Keep a tally.
  • Limit the number you have available in the kitchen or at your desk.

Avoid Large Amounts of Soda or High Calorie Sugary Drinks

Soda intake has been linked to fatty liver, insulin resistance, dental damage, and higher calorie consumption overall. Blood sugar spikes can lead to headaches, fatigue, and hangovers. Choose sugar free or naturally flavored options when possible.

Drink Water Along With Beverages or Alternate

Alternating with water, non-alcoholic, or decaffeinated drink will keep your pace slower and help keep you hydrated.

3 – Prolonged Sitting or Standing

Depending on your underlying health conditions, prolonged sitting or standing can put you at risk for blood clots, swelling, or stiffness.

Some simple steps can reduce this risk.

Take Periodic Breaks to Move Around

Try setting a phone or computer reminder. Use the time to get up, change position, and move around or take a walk. It does not have to be far to be beneficial.

A walk can also boost your concentration and energy.

Get out outside if you can. It will give your senses a break and can improve your mood.

Try Supportive Socks or Stockings

Supportive socks can help prevent swelling and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Take Time to Stretch

A short series of basic stretches every day and during breaks can go a long way towards preventing stiffness, cramping, and improve circulation.

4 – Muscle Strain and Repetitive Use Injuries

Performing the same action and holding the same position over a long period of time can result in repetitive use injuries, muscle stiffness, and strain.

Computer usage comes with challenges like maintaining good posture, hold stressful upper body positions, and repetitive movements at the hands and wrists.

Here are a few steps to minimize these stressors.

Try to Sit at a Desk or Table If Possible

Slouching on the couch or using a surface that requires you to hunch over are going to put strain on the lower back, neck, and shoulders.

And choose a good chair.

Choose a chair that supports good posture rather than one that works against you. Sit with your back straight and legs perpendicular to the floor at a height that allows your feet to rest flat on the floor.

Place the Keyboard and Mouse Comfortably

  • Elbows should be able to rest comfortably at the sides.
  • Forearms should be about parallel to the floor.
  • Place the mouse directly beside the keyboard at the same height.

Place Your Screen to Limit Neck and Eye Strain

  • Your screen should be at eye level or lower.
  • Tilt the screen down to avoid glare.
  • Maintain proper distance from the screen, about 20 to 40 inches.

Take Regular Breaks and MIX up Tasks

  • Reposition regularly.
  • Stretch everything regularly, including your hands and wrists.
  • Remove your hands from the keyboard when not typing.

Rest Your Eyes

  • Give your eyes a break by stepping away from the screen periodically.
  • Adjust the contrast and brightness.
  • Look away from the screen intermittently and focus on faraway objects.

5 – Smoking

As with other coping mechanisms, smoking tends to increase in times of stress and can be associated with another activities like gambling.

Keep in Mind Some Habits Go Together

Learn your triggers. Cravings can be worse depending on the activity and surroundings. You may have to forgo or limit other things like alcohol or certain types of games depending on your personal associations.

Remain Conscious of Your Usage

Inadvertently smoking more than you intend is easy when it is absentminded. Taking steps to increase awareness may be helpful.

  • Try associating use with breaks or a walk.
  • Keep a tally.
  • Set a specific allotment, or don’t have more easily available.

Consider Using Alternatives Like Vape Pens or Nicotine Substitutes

If you enjoy smoking while you gamble, vaping may be a good option for you without having to give up the habit completely.

If you are trying to abstain, some kind of substitute like gum or patches could go a long way towards curbing your cravings.

6 – Sleep Schedule

Sleep is a key component of a healthy lifestyle and sense of well-being.

Setting some kind of schedule that includes breaks and time to sleep is up to you because online gambling is available around the clock.

Try to Get as Close to the Recommended Amount of Sleep as Possible

  • The recommended amount is generally 7 to 9 hours.
  • Consider planning a break for a nap if you anticipate cutting your sleep time short.
  • A short 10 to 20-minute power nap or a 90-minute REM sleep nap are ideal lengths to avoid post-nap grogginess.

Concentration, Memory, Mood, and Energy Can Be Improved by Sleep

If you are looking for peak performance and to minimize impulsive decisions that might impact your game, getting enough rest can give you a huge leg up.

Support a Healthy Sleep Pattern That Respects Your Circadian Rhythm

Computer screens, flashing lights, and sounds can interfere with sleep signals and prevent you from getting restful sleep. Give yourself some quiet time at least a couple of hours before bed to give your body a chance to wind down.

Give Your System a Break

Get outside and take a walk. Clearing the ambient noise and upping your circulation for a bit will improve your ability to get tired and have more restful sleep.

Avoiding large meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime will also give you healthier sleep. All of these factors can lead to insomnia and restless nights.


Online gambling doesn’t have to negatively impact your health if you take some simple steps to keep bad habits in check and establish a healthy approach to computer usage.

Setting reasonable expectation and planning ahead will help keep you on track with healthy practices and minimize stress.

Hopefully this article will help you be more aware of some common things you may want to limit or avoid while online gambling and give you a few useful alternatives.

Michael Stevens

Michael Stevens has been researching and writing topics involving the gambling industry for well over a decade now and is considered an expert on all things casino and sports betting. Michael has been writing for since early 2016. …

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